I haven't posted in a couple days what with all the hubub with being sick, celebrating Dr. Kings's legacy and getting a new President - I have been completely overwhelmed.
But I'm back and I'm ready to chat.
Since the whole country is talking about change I got to thinking, what can I do to change my environment as well as my country. Well getting out to vote was the first step, seeing real change happen as President Obama took his oath was another. But how can I help the environment and do so in a way that I am comfortable with.
We hear people talk about going and living a "green" lifestyle and one has to wonder. What exactly does that mean? Can I really make a difference?
Well I have found a piece of literature to answer those questions and more and assist in becoming a more eco-friendly member of society.
Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano is a great book that I am required to read for school but I have found it so interesting that I wanted to share with my cyber friends. Many of us are stay at home moms who are rather enterprising on their own and I thought this book was a wonderful example of how we can learn to better our environment and still be fabulous and chic. Also what a great way to set an example for our children!
I know I'm excited about sharing some of the tips and activities with my daughter and I know that when she sees how good it feels to do something for the environment she'll want to join in.
This planet is not going to be around forever if we keep living the way we do and I want my daughter to be able to go out and play and not have to live in some type of protective bubble due to all the pollution and environmental waste.
So go out, pick up Gorgeously Green and give it a whirl - what can it hurt to try a few things?
Let me know how it goes!
Meanwhile, I'll be making sure all my appliances not in use are unplugged and all the lights are off.....
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