The other day I got a really cute phone call from my older brother to ask me "what type of products did you say I should be using on my skin?"
Now most sisters wouldn't be excited about something like that but because I am a student of the Beauty industry I am beside myself! I love products and helping people find that one thing that makes them feel fabulous. Wether it be getting clearer skin, lengthening eyelashes , discovering a great cleanser or scrub and sometimes just finding the right lip gloss.
So I recomended that he try Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser and Daily Facial Moisturizer as it is non-irrating and a good start for a newbie to the product world, reminded him not to buy the products the grocery store as they are more expensive and sent him on his way.
He calle about 3 days later super excited about the cleanser and how his skin felt and I'm feeling like a pretty good sister.
That got me to thinking about the recent expansion of Men's skincare products. This is a relatively new niche and I am going to be doing a little more research into all avenues.
Check back to see what I uncover!
Ciao bella!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
what matters most

this morning as I was thinking about todays post I got to wondering: what is it that is most important in a woman's beauty routine?
My first thought was mascara because I'm so obsessed with finding the perfect one but then I thought about what really makes or breaks a look. And the answer was quite simple; clear skin.
We all know that without clear/ healthy skin all the makeup in the world will not help you look beautiful.
So here are a few suggestions to assist with getting healthy skin:
- Wash your face everynight before bed!! Even if you have been out all night and are SO tired it is so important to rid your face of all the toxins and dirt that have been collecting all day.
- Moisturize! This is incredibly important. Our skin needs to be hydrated in order to function properly and to maintain resiliency. Once you figure out what your skin type is ( that will be adressed in a another post) get the proper moisturizer and use it daily
- Drink plenty of water! I know this seems silly and obvious but water really does help improve your overall health and keeps skin looking youthful and fresh well into your twilight years.
Those are the most important steps you can take (in my humble opinion) to improve the overall quality and appearance of your skin! I'm including some pics of a few of my favorite cleansers and moisturizers - good for all skin types; just to get you going.
Feel free to comment and ask questions!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Gorgeously Green

I haven't posted in a couple days what with all the hubub with being sick, celebrating Dr. Kings's legacy and getting a new President - I have been completely overwhelmed.
But I'm back and I'm ready to chat.
Since the whole country is talking about change I got to thinking, what can I do to change my environment as well as my country. Well getting out to vote was the first step, seeing real change happen as President Obama took his oath was another. But how can I help the environment and do so in a way that I am comfortable with.
We hear people talk about going and living a "green" lifestyle and one has to wonder. What exactly does that mean? Can I really make a difference?
Well I have found a piece of literature to answer those questions and more and assist in becoming a more eco-friendly member of society.
Gorgeously Green by Sophie Uliano is a great book that I am required to read for school but I have found it so interesting that I wanted to share with my cyber friends. Many of us are stay at home moms who are rather enterprising on their own and I thought this book was a wonderful example of how we can learn to better our environment and still be fabulous and chic. Also what a great way to set an example for our children!
I know I'm excited about sharing some of the tips and activities with my daughter and I know that when she sees how good it feels to do something for the environment she'll want to join in.
This planet is not going to be around forever if we keep living the way we do and I want my daughter to be able to go out and play and not have to live in some type of protective bubble due to all the pollution and environmental waste.
So go out, pick up Gorgeously Green and give it a whirl - what can it hurt to try a few things?
Let me know how it goes!
Meanwhile, I'll be making sure all my appliances not in use are unplugged and all the lights are off.....
Monday, January 19, 2009
a dream deferred?

what happens to a raisin in the sun? does it dry up like a dream deferred?
on this MLK day 2009 I am unable to pass up the opportunity to comment on all that has gone on in this country in the last year. yes, this is a beauty blog but I would be remiss if I did not comment on the signifigance of the next two days.
Its funny to see so many people so upset because tomorrow Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the USA. Is it because he's black? All of those who swear up and down that they are not racist, that they "know black people and have black friends", ask yourselves why are you really mad? Is it that McCain could do such a better job with this country or is it because the other guy is a black man?
It is 2009 people, its time to let it go. Move on. No one man is better than another regardless of race, creed, color or religion. Let the man do his job and then make a decision about if this was the best choice. Because like it or not, this is going DOWN!!!
Personally I am ecstatic. I can look at my little girl and tell her with the full conviction and honesty of a parent, that she can be ANYTHING she wants to be. That makes my heart swell with pride and joy. It's heartbreaking as parent to think that your child has limitations, and that the public will place limitations on them just by looking at them.
I feel truly blessed to know that our little girl has a chance because America finally decided to CHANGE.
Thank you to all who voted and want to see a better and brighter America. Not only for ourselves but for our children.
Thank YOU Dr. King for having a dream and believing that one day it will be a reality.
I can only hope we have made you proud.
"Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. " Martin Luther King Jr.
Friday, January 16, 2009
whats the point?

So I've decided that not only am I going to post about family, school and work. I'm also gonna post on my favorite makeup/ beauty products.
Being that I am a makeup artist and beauty JUNKIE I am always looking for the next great mascara or nail polish ( O.P.I. for Sephora in meet for drinks.....i'm just sayin)
I will post my favorites, whats hot in beauty/makeup and whats worth the money and whats not.
also if anyone has any requests for tips or tricks to get that great smoky eye or dewy complexion let me know and I'll be happy to answer them for you!
So here are a few of my new favorites for 2009
Being that I am a makeup artist and beauty JUNKIE I am always looking for the next great mascara or nail polish ( O.P.I. for Sephora in meet for drinks.....i'm just sayin)
I will post my favorites, whats hot in beauty/makeup and whats worth the money and whats not.
also if anyone has any requests for tips or tricks to get that great smoky eye or dewy complexion let me know and I'll be happy to answer them for you!
So here are a few of my new favorites for 2009
- Lash Injection Pinpoint by Too Faced - I already love the original lash injection and this just defines the lashes that much more......
- M.A.C. - Studio Fix powder , prep & prime face protect - this will give you the flawless complexion we all crave but don't want to look like we're wearing makeup! ( thanks Marianne!)
- Rosebud Lip Salve- i am a lip balm, lip gloss, chapstick JUNKIE so when I find a balm that isn't sticky and still gives me a sexy sublte shine I am all for it!
So thats it for now.....until next time
ciao bella
1st post!
well it here it is 2009 and I have now joined the wonderful world of blogging.
funny, I used to think blogging was for people who had too much time on their hands but now I'm thinking it could be very therapeautic, not too mention informative.
so what do I post?
hmmm......since this is my first blog I guess I will just introduce myself.
I'm a makeup artist, mother to a wonderful little girl, girlfriend to the most magnificent man ( not too mention my best friend) and a student of the world.
I hope that my blogs will entertain, excite and enlighten those who read it and maybe catch up a few others on whats been goin on in my life over the last couple years.
So this morning, I woke up feeling not so hot. After staying at home all day yesterday taking care of the sweet pea and the BF, I kind of new it was going to come down on me but I thought I could fight it. Boy was I wrong.
I took a nap so I do feel much better and hopefully will be able to get some work done around the house and on the computer. That is if I don't cracked out on Facebook for hours......
But while I was wallowing this morning and trying to go back to sleep while my sick kid was in the next room I started to think about all that goes into being a mom and why as moms we have such guilt if we are not "perfect".
What is that about? Nobody is June Cleaver and lets face it - she was a FICTIONAL character! nobody can take care of everything all the time!
so to all my moms out there who feel guilty for not being a perfect susie homemaker, please understand that its okay to feel frazzled and its okay not to have dinner waiting when your significant other gets home and its okay to have laundry piled up and a not so spotless long as your family is happy - NOTHING else matters.
funny, I used to think blogging was for people who had too much time on their hands but now I'm thinking it could be very therapeautic, not too mention informative.
so what do I post?
hmmm......since this is my first blog I guess I will just introduce myself.
I'm a makeup artist, mother to a wonderful little girl, girlfriend to the most magnificent man ( not too mention my best friend) and a student of the world.
I hope that my blogs will entertain, excite and enlighten those who read it and maybe catch up a few others on whats been goin on in my life over the last couple years.
So this morning, I woke up feeling not so hot. After staying at home all day yesterday taking care of the sweet pea and the BF, I kind of new it was going to come down on me but I thought I could fight it. Boy was I wrong.
I took a nap so I do feel much better and hopefully will be able to get some work done around the house and on the computer. That is if I don't cracked out on Facebook for hours......
But while I was wallowing this morning and trying to go back to sleep while my sick kid was in the next room I started to think about all that goes into being a mom and why as moms we have such guilt if we are not "perfect".
What is that about? Nobody is June Cleaver and lets face it - she was a FICTIONAL character! nobody can take care of everything all the time!
so to all my moms out there who feel guilty for not being a perfect susie homemaker, please understand that its okay to feel frazzled and its okay not to have dinner waiting when your significant other gets home and its okay to have laundry piled up and a not so spotless long as your family is happy - NOTHING else matters.
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