Among the many advantages of working for an online fashion company is the fact that it is more than acceptable to be on the internet constantly. Little do they know, that for the past couple of weeks, I have been scouring cyber space for the down low on MAC’s Venomous Villains collection and how I can get my sparkly little hands on exactly what I want.
So the scoop is that it launches for all of us in the US on September 30th, but what time?
(Some rumors state it could begin online as early as today, yes today, September 27th at 6pm EST which is 3pm for me!)
That I still can’t figure out.
(Lucky for me, I recently switched to the early shift, so I will be up and at it quite early)
However, my most recent researching has been dedicated to weeding out those pesky permanent items that MAC is notorious for sneaking into these great launches.
I will admit, as a long time beauty junkie, I have fallen in this trap more than I’d like to admit. We all know it.
It sneaks up on you in the fury of the launch in the early morning hours, before you’ve had your coffee (or tea… or hot chocolate), when you suddenly realize that those 3 blushes you just paid for, you: a. already have or b. realize that you could have saved yourself the puffy eyes and irritation of fighting the online world and sauntered to pick them up at any MAC store at your convenience. FAIL. However, after logging countless hours, Venomous Villains seems to be mostly limited edition (which does make my heart sing…just a little). Research completed, I then compile a list of “Must, Must, Must Haves (Read: “These products will put me into a makeup coma” and “I will absolutely die without them”) and Wants (Read: “If I grow a money tree, or in the event of an emergency, an item I want sells out one of these will be my immediate back up”).
Let’s face it ladies, I want it all…or at least one from each collection. But after looking through it all and really answering the “Will I really ever use or wear this?” dilemma, I find myself not really wanting one thing from every collection.

So the scoop is that it launches for all of us in the US on September 30th, but what time?
(Some rumors state it could begin online as early as today, yes today, September 27th at 6pm EST which is 3pm for me!)
That I still can’t figure out.
(Lucky for me, I recently switched to the early shift, so I will be up and at it quite early)
However, my most recent researching has been dedicated to weeding out those pesky permanent items that MAC is notorious for sneaking into these great launches.
I will admit, as a long time beauty junkie, I have fallen in this trap more than I’d like to admit. We all know it.
It sneaks up on you in the fury of the launch in the early morning hours, before you’ve had your coffee (or tea… or hot chocolate), when you suddenly realize that those 3 blushes you just paid for, you: a. already have or b. realize that you could have saved yourself the puffy eyes and irritation of fighting the online world and sauntered to pick them up at any MAC store at your convenience. FAIL. However, after logging countless hours, Venomous Villains seems to be mostly limited edition (which does make my heart sing…just a little). Research completed, I then compile a list of “Must, Must, Must Haves (Read: “These products will put me into a makeup coma” and “I will absolutely die without them”) and Wants (Read: “If I grow a money tree, or in the event of an emergency, an item I want sells out one of these will be my immediate back up”).
Let’s face it ladies, I want it all…or at least one from each collection. But after looking through it all and really answering the “Will I really ever use or wear this?” dilemma, I find myself not really wanting one thing from every collection.
My thought process goes something like this…I NEED (yes, I NEED)
Malifecent’s Bad Fairy and Mean Green nail lacquers (perfect for Fall)
Maleficent’s Briar Rose Beauty Powder
(I have never bought a Beauty Powder from MAC before…so this will be a first..Tips and tricks are more than welcome)
the Evil Queen’s Bite of an Apple Powder Blush
and last, Dr. Facilier’s Magically Cool Liquid Powder
(I’m opting for the Cajun color –sheer bronze that reflects gold…I think Yes!).
And I WANT….everything else, because let’s face it…I’m an addict.